CASE: Hospital equipment to Malawi
Every year, thousands of accidents happen along the M1 highway, which stretches more than 1,000 km across the country of Malawi. Safety is a serious challenge and a great concern for the government. Immediate access to professional medical treatment is crucial, and Missionpharma is proud to have contributed to just that in Malawi.
‘We have played a central role in improving health facilities along the highway,’ says Director, Public sector, Mikaël Joher of Missionpharma. No fewer than five new trauma centres have been established along the route, together with dozens of upgraded health centres in districts all over Malawi – so ensuring that injured people have access to fast and efficient medical treatment.
Missionpharma has supplied the new trauma centres and clinics with a large range of orthopaedic, medical-rehabilitation and general hospital equipment. ‘Not only did we supply the products requested, but also we organised the safe transport of equipment to health facilities all over Malawi – often to areas that were difficult to access,’ explains Mikaël Joher.
‘When supplying hospital equipment, it is important to ensure not just the supply of the product but also its proper installation, maintenance and servicing in order to achieve optimal use,’ emphasises Mikaël Joher. ‘The local technicians at the health facilities must be suitably trained in how to install and operate the equipment,’ he continues, ‘and sufficient after-sales services must be provided – a service that was offered in Malawi by local technicians contracted by Missionpharma.’
When supplying hospital equipment, it is important to ensure not just the supply of the product but also its proper installation, maintenance and servicing in order to achieve optimal use.
Mikaël Joher, Director, Public sector

To safeguard long-term optimal use of the products, Missionpharma – together with a local engineer and our agent in Malawi – conducted a post-inspection tour to visit the health centres one year after completion of the contract.
‘It is highly satisfying to have personal experience of our achievements in Malawi,’ concludes Mikaël Joher. ‘The difference we make to patients as well as to healthcare staff is something to be proud of. It makes our ambitions of contributing to progress in Africa real.’